Measuring the Perception Strength/Beliefs of Educators’ of School –Based Strategies Using the Daniel C. Fritz Perception Model to see which is most effective in Improving Student Achievement
Daniel C. Fritz, Ed. D

In a previous studies conducted by the researcher, school-based practices were measure by comparing mean of the scores based on the responses from the survey and using an Independent-t Test to test the statistical significance of the perception of male and female educators on what strategies were most effective within an impoverished school district in Central Virginia. The researcher examined 12 school-based factors using a 4-point Likert scaled survey. The analysis of the male and female educators" suggested that four of the school-based practices, which were common between the two genders, could counter some of the issues of poverty within the district. These four strategies were classroom management, consistent intervention, effective leadership and parent involvement. The aim of this study was to measure the perception strength of educators according to their experience on which school based factors where most effective in increasing student achievement according to the Daniel C. Fritz Perception Model. The researcher wants to see if the results are similar in comparison from the previous research using the model. The strategies in this study with the highest total mean score out of the 12school-based practices examined revealed the educators preferences based on the model inclusive of a survey using the 4-point Likert Scale.A One-Way Analysis of variance (ANOVA) Test conducted a test for statistical significance. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software compiled data to run a statistical analysis.

Full Text: PDF     DOI: 10.15640/arms.v9n1a3